The Law of Attraction is a theory that states, in its most simplistic form, that “like attracts like”. However, this short definition can easily be misinterpreted, as can the entire philosophy if one does not bother to look any further into its connotations. In one sense, it could be understood as two bodies attracting one another, much like the oceanic tide rising due to the gravitational attraction (or pull) from the moon. In a pseudo-scientific sense, a more appropriate definition would be, “what you focus on will grow”.
The law of attraction can be applied to myriad life encounters, even a game of poker. In essence, if a poker player takes the time to hone his or her mentality into a more positive way of thinking, their game will take on a more positive result. In contrast, if a player looks down at his chip stack and the only thought processing in their mind is, “I’m never going to pull this off; I might as well walk away right now”, then guess what? They will probably lose every last chip very shortly. It is a negative focus, with a negative expected outcome.
Countless philosophers have documented their beliefs in the power of positive thinking, often termed the New Thought Movement. You have certainly heard of the motto “mind over matter”. According to Thomas Troward (1847-1916), former president of the International New Thought Alliance and integral stimuli to the New Thought Movement as well as Mystic Christianity:
“The action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form”.
In layman’s terms, Troward was saying that if we set our mind on something, and consistently focus on that goal coming to fruition, it will happen of its own accord.
Applying the law of attraction to a poker game may not be so easily done in the throes of a hand. Focusing on the next card to be dealt being an Ace, or perhaps a heart, isn’t going to get you very far. The cards have already been shuffled, the deck is set. However, focusing on the hand going your way before the deck is shuffled, the community cards aligning themselves with the hole cards you are about to be dealt, is a more plausible idea and the very principle behind using the law of attraction to benefit your poker game.
Does it really work? I cannot answer that with 100% certainty. I believe it is different for each individual, based primarily on their respective beliefs; i.e. the more you believe, the more likely it is to work. Much like religion, we have no physical proof that a greater being exists and watches over our daily lives, yet a vast majority of the population believes it to be true and there are limitless tales of astonishing miracles that, if true, can only be attributed to the presence of omnipotence in the world.
In terms of poker strategies, there isn’t much a connoisseur of the game won’t try in order to better his or her chances on the felt. It certainly wouldn’t do any harm to practice the laws of attraction in respect to playing poker. It’s like the old saying goes; when life gives you lemons, put them in your bra – can’t hurt, might help!