Numerology & Poker

For years, poker theologists have claimed that numerology plays a role in card games. The idea is that specific patterns will appear in random shuffles over time. However, the fact that shuffles are random instantly disproves the theory.

Some have said that the same cards that appear in one flop, for example, will appear again so many hands into the future. It’s like the chance of double-six boxcars rolling on a pair of dice. Yes, it will eventually happen again, and the odds of it happening are always the same, 1/36 rolls, a 2.77% chance, but it does not mean it will happen with every 36 tosses of the dice. In a game of cards, utilizing a standard 52-card deck, the chances of the shuffle placing all 52 cards in the exact same order is astronomical. Thus, how could anyone conceivably predict when such an occurrence would take place?
It may be possible to use numerology in poker to some extent, but it would relate more to the frequency of particular ranks or suits of cards, rather than specific numbers and suit combinations. For example, the odds of a 3-card flush, 4-card flush, or even a 5-card flush being dealt among the community cards alone, or the chance of a partial or complete straight. But again, to predit when it will happen is impossible.

To numerologists, patterns can be found in just about anything. Anyone with an observant eye could pluck patterns from the cards within a game of poker. Perhaps in three consecutive hands a heart was the first card on the flop, or an Ace appears in every other flop. These are known as “false patterns”. Such patterns will occur sporadically, but they are not set patterns and for any poker player to bet higher than they normally would based solely on the presumption that specific cards, numbers or suits will fall is preposterous.

The fact that a player takes notice of false patterns is still a good sign. It means the player has trained his brain to notice and remember the cards that appear on the table. This type of player is extremely observant and statistically more likely to win at poker in the long term, should they put these skills to proper use.

Instead of concentrating on false patterns, the player should be focusing on their opponents’ behavioral patterns, as these are rarely false. Identifying poker tells is a substantial strategy used by all professional poker players.

Any numerology minded individual attentive and alert enough to recognize number patterns in poker should, perhaps, set their sights on the blackjack tables in Las Vegas. Successfully counting cards is considered the most profound strategy in blackjack. It is perfectly legal as well. Casinos do not appreciate it and reserve the right to refuse service to any patron, thus will not hesitate to remove a player who is clearly counting cards from their establishments. The trick is to be discreet and never spend too much time at a single table or casino.

Since numerology and poker do not truly mix, one may wonder as to the purpose of this article. The goal is to dispel a fantastical myth that, if you put any thought into it at all, is obviously nonsensical. The idea is grand and while mathematical savants enjoying toying with it, there are much better uses for such a sharp eye at the poker tables.

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